Geneva Marathon Training Log

8 weeks to go: 11-17 March

After a week with no training due to having flu and then an easy week to resume training, this was my first week in the final phase of training for the Geneva marathon. I was happy with the week overall and that I managed two quite solid sessions. I struggled a little with sore quads which was something that impacted me for a few weeks after being sick in December with a similar flu. I'm hoping to build on this week with more running distance and more focused marathon training sessions.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 143km
  • Running vertical gain: 1490m
  • Running time: 11.5hrs
  • Swimming time: 5.8hrs
  • Total training time: 17.3hrs

Key sessions

1. Track intervals

  • 1 x 4km @ 102% Marathon Power / 4' recovery
  • 2 x 3km @ 103% Marathon Power / 3' recovery
  • 2 x 2km @ 104% Marathon Power / 2' recovery
  • 2 x 1km @ 105% Marathon Power / 1' recovery

2. Long run

  • 31km @ 90% Marathon Power

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:50
  • Stryd: 2:52
  • Session-based: 2:47

7 weeks to go: 18-24 March

That was a much better week and more like where I want to be! The total volume was good, I did three solid sessions, and overall I felt positive about the week. I had a slightly down day on Thursday (maybe underfueling?), but bounced back quickly for a good weekend of training. I'm getting a better sense of marathon pace and effort and I hope to dial this in some more over the coming weeks. I'd like to be consistent and keep this training going for another 4.5 weeks and then I should be in a good place to race well. I'm positive, but know I have work to do and that I need to be consistent.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 181km
  • Running vertical gain: 1990m
  • Running time: 14.6hrs
  • Swimming time: 5.5hrs
  • Total training time: 20.1hrs

Key sessions

1. Track intervals

  • 1 x 4km @ 102% Marathon Power / 4' recovery
  • 2 x 3km @ 103% Marathon Power / 3' recovery
  • 3 x 2km @ 104% Marathon Power / 2' recovery
  • 4 x 1km @ 105% Marathon Power / 1' recovery

2. Track intervals

  • 3 x 2km @ threshold / 2' recovery
  • 3 x 1km @ threshold / 1' recovery

3. Long run

  • 44km @ Z2 heart rate

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:49
  • Stryd: 2:52
  • Runalyze: 2:51
  • Session-based: 2:44

6 weeks to go: 25-31 March

A solid week with some good sessions. Towards the end of the week I was feeling the accumulated fatigue and needed to take a rest day to freshen up a little. I'm starting to get a good feel for the marathon intensity and consistency, but I'm also learning just how hard it an event it is. I seem to respond quite well to training volume so the goal for April is to keep the volume high and dial in marathon pace.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 191km
  • Running vertical gain: 3260m
  • Running time: 15.7hrs
  • Swimming time: 1.0hrs
  • Total training time: 17.2hrs

Key sessions

1. Track intervals

  • 1 x 4km @ 102% Marathon Power / 4' recovery
  • 2 x 3km @ 103% Marathon Power / 3' recovery
  • 3 x 2km @ 104% Marathon Power / 2' recovery
  • 4 x 1km @ 105% Marathon Power / 1' recovery

2. Marathon pace session on the road

  • 10km @ 90% Marathon Power
  • 10km @ 100% Marathon Power
  • 5km @ 90% Marathon Power

3. Long run

  • 32km with 28km @ 90% Marathon Power

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:46
  • Stryd: 2:52
  • Runalyze: 2:44
  • Session-based: 2:46

5 weeks to go: 1-7 April

Another good week and just what I needed for my confidence in this build up. I felt stronger with each run and could feel the benefit of the increased training volume. I usually respond well to time on the legs and total training volume and that appears to be working again in this build. The high intensity sessions were hard and holding the pace and hitting the intensity when the volume is high is not easy, but I achieved what I wanted in the two key sessions this week. Another two weeks of building needed before it's time to taper and freshen up.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 200km
  • Running vertical gain: 3160m
  • Running time: 16.6hrs
  • Swimming time: 5.0hrs
  • Total training time: 21.6hrs

Key sessions

1. Track intervals

  • 8 x 1km @ threshold / 1' recovery

2. Marathon pace session on the road

  • 5 x 5km @ 101% marathon power / 3' easy

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:46
  • Stryd: 2:50
  • Runalyze: 2:40
  • Session-based: 2:41

4 weeks to go: 8-14 April

This was a great week of training with three solid sessions. I'm pleased with how my fitness is coming along and starting to feel like I know what a good goal pace is for the marathon. I have been responding well to the training load and look forward to one more big week before tapering.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 215km
  • Running vertical gain: 2420m
  • Running time: 16.3hrs
  • Swimming time: 4.7hrs
  • Total training time: 21.0hrs

Key sessions

1. Marathon-paced session

  • 4 x 6km @ 101% Marathon Power / 3' recovery

2. Special block

  • AM: 10km @ 90% marathon pace + 10km @ 102% marathon pace
  • PM: 10km @ 90% marathon pace + 4 x 1km @ 105% marathon pace

The afternoon session had to be cut a little short due to tightness on my right hip and knee. I think the track exacerbated the tightness that was already there. I was going well and think I could have executed the session fully without the soreness, but it was the right decision for today.

3. Long run

  • 33km @ 88% Marathon Power

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:45
  • Stryd: 2:50
  • Runalyze: 2:38
  • Session-based: 2:41

3 weeks to go: 15-21 April

This week ended up being a shift in gears to adjust for how I was feeling and to allow for the recovery of some niggles and pain from an ITB flare up. I took Monday off and then had a couple of solid days, a lighter day on Thursday and a long run on Friday. However, on Friday I was feeling very tired, sore, and I was low on motivation. I knew I needed to back off and decided to take the weekend off training. Last winter I followed a 5-2 routine taking two days off completely each week and I found that helped me to recover and bounce back so I'm hoping that the weekend off means I'll be ready to go again on Monday morning.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 110km
  • Running vertical gain: 1444m
  • Running time: 9hrs
  • Swimming time: 4hrs
  • Total training time: 13hrs

Key sessions

1. Long run

  • 35km with 22km @ 90% Marathon Pace

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:43
  • Stryd: 2:50
  • Runalyze: 2:37
  • Session-based: 2:38

2 weeks to go: 22-28 April

These two weeks have been lower volume as I have had to balance accumulated fatigue with freshening up for the race. I may have been a bit keen with the volume in the last few weeks which led to lower motivation and fatigue. This wasn't a planned taper, but balancing my sensations and not forcing more distance on a tired body. Fortunately I'm feeling better at the end of the week and I ran well in a race pace session on the track. One more week to fresh up and fine tune race pace... Almost there!

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 115km
  • Running vertical gain: 1100m
  • Running time: 5hrs
  • Swimming time: 5hrs
  • Total training time: 14hrs

Key sessions

1. Road Marathon Intervals

  • 2 x 10km @ Marathon Pace

2. Track Marathon Intervals

  • 1 x 4km @ Marathon Pace / 1' recovery
  • 2 x 3km @ Marathon Pace / 1' recovery
  • 3 x 2km @ Marathon Pace / 1' recovery
  • 4 x 1km @ Marathon Pace / 1' recovery
  • 1 x 1.1km @ Marathon Pace

Race predictors

  • HRV4Training: 2:44
  • Stryd: 2:50
  • Runalyze: 2:35
  • Session-based: 2:40

Race week: 22-28 April

After backing off during the last two weeks I came into race week feeling positive and rested. A few activation sessions and lots of rest were all that were required. I ended up resting more than I expected taking two full rest days in the middle of the week, but I felt confident enough to do that to arrive at the start line feeling fresh. The race went well and I think I managed to perform up to the level of my preparation. My race report is available here: Geneva Marathon.

Training statistics

  • Running distance: 96km
  • Running vertical gain: 804m
  • Running time: 7hrs
  • Swimming time: 3.5hrs
  • Total training time: 10.5hrs

Key sessions

1. Pre-race activation

2. Geneva Marathon

In terms of race predictors, the closest were HRV4Training and my session-based estimates.

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